
Floss & Brush

Grayson's Top 5 "Likes"
1. Target
2. Chocolate Milk
3. Transformers
4. Astro Boy
5. Max and Ruby

Grayson's Top 5 "Dislikes"
1. Being Told "NO"
2. Vegetables
3. Sharing toys with Bubba
4. Going to Bed
5. Brushing His Teeth

I thought we would tackle the easiest item on the dislike list, so I saw this clever way to teach kids about their mouth on OHDEEDOH.  We made a mouth on paper with colors and marshmallows. I was hoping he would see what his mouth looked like and why he needed to brush and floss. He brushed and flossed the marshmallows.

 Will work on other dislikes later, might take awhile...

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