We had a lingerie shower and a bridal tea for my future sister-in-law this weekend, Daddy had to work, so PaPa and Uncle Cody had babysitting duty. Gavyn has some new FROGGY sunglasses he totally digs!
On Sunday, the guys took Grayson and Gavyn to the TCU baseball game. Grayson left the house in the hat, and...

came home like this! Pretty hardcore for a 4 year old! He loved it and was pretty upset it washed out after one night. He made sure to inform me that the hair lady said it would last a couple of days and we had to buy more.
Thanks for taking the boys to the game game, they had a blast!
I had to sneak some time in with the boys last night, I missed them over the weekend. Grayson and I were laying in bed and I told him I was pooped. He said, "You pooped in your pants, eww gross!" I had to explain, that pooped meant the same thing as tired so he told me, "I'm pooped too then." Good night...