
The Birthday Kid

Today we had a BIRTHDAY KID in our house. As soon as Grayson woke up he wanted to celebrate Bubba's Birthday. Gavyn was nicknamed the "BIRTHDAY KID" all day by Grayson! I can't believe he is already two. I remember the day I brought him home from the hospital. I have the Great Lord above to thank for this baby boy. He brings so much JOY and excitement to our lives. He also has an infectious smile that melts my heart.

 Here he is at his 1st Birthday Party in Abilene, it doesn't feel like a year ago. I miss my babies. I love watching them grow and seeing their personalities develop, but I'll never forget holding them in my arms the first time.

We had CARS mini cakes that the boys decorated and opened presents at the house. I think Grayson was more excited than Gavyn. He couldn't hardly stand to wait for Marc to come home to open up gifts.  I asked Gavyn how old he was and he held up 10 fingers, guess we need to work on that. He was really into the whole singing Happy Birthday and blowing out the candles. We did it twice and never stopped hearing the word "AGAIN" until we opened presents.

Awesome news, he's right on track developmentally for two. He even demonstrated it perfectly on his 2nd Birthday, Tantrums of the Terrible Two's. Way to go Gavyn! We love you even when you have a meltdown. I can't wait to see you grow over the next year, I love you Gavyn!

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