
a LItTle wEiRd

Somedays are a little crazy weird around here and I can't help but laugh at where I am in my life now. I always catch Gavyn inside the cabinets. He will climb in and on just about anything, making it impossible for me to get anything accomplished throughout the day. Hence the lack of blogging...

Gavyn also loves to unroll anything that comes in his path. He doesn't care if it is ribbon, toilet paper, or paper towels. Just as long as he can roll it out and I can clean it up, he's happy.

Grayson felt the need to make use of the entire roll of paper towels that just went to waste, so he rolled himself up in it.

Sometimes Grayson takes it upon himself to humor me, and he did this day. 
Q: What's wrong with climbing in the dryer? 
A: Bubba coming by and closing the door while Grayson is in it.

 As if my life isn't crazy enough... this was in our driveway.

Finally, I'm not really even sure what to say!

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