
Easter... a day late.

The boys got to see some really cute animals, go on two Easter Egg Hunts, jumpy in bouncy houses, see the Easter Bunny, ride a CHOO CHOO Train, eat lots of yummy food and most importantly learn about JESUS! 


Easter Eggs



We have reinvented the pool, temporarily. It's amazing what makes kids happy! Hope you have a great day!


Hello Monday Morning

We had a great weekend, aside from the wind. It was crazy windy here. The boys got a little sandbox and we had to pull Gavyn out of it. There is something about sand and little boys that goes hand in hand. Wishing everyone a happy week and we will see most of you this weekend for the wedding!



RICE Baseball

We went to the Rice Baseball game last weekend and had a blast. The weather was beautiful and we ate some good old stadium food. The boys loved running the bases after the game. It was very entertaining watching Gavyn run the bases. He tried to follow Grayson, but wound up at the pitcher's mound. Eventually, he figured it out and made it home! 

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